Even though this country appears somehow neglected by nature travellers, there are plenty of reasons to visit it. The High Andes with snowed peaks, infinite blue skies, with the Yungas (dense cloudforests) covering the slopes. Extensive rainforests, woodlands and svannas. It’s biodiversity has only recently started to become unveiled, therefore its natural history remains understudied and it’s villages seem stopped in time, with nature wild and abundant.To the west are the world-famous Andes (Cordillera de los Andes), with a complex array of isolated peaks and deep valleys. The Altiplano, or Puna, one of the dryest landscapes in the world is both amazing for its views and special wildlife. The Andes present the lushest cloudforest, and driest valleys as well. Coming down to the east are the savannas of the Chiquitania, the wild Beni, and the Amazon. All is spiced by a notable cultural diversity, with many Inca people found along the andes. Bolivia has all the basic infrastructure for the traveller to reach this remote paradise, visited yet by so few. |
Country Hightlights
The Andes climb to more than 4000 meters in western Bolivia, changing climates and terrains at different altitudes, from Yungas cloudforests and dry valleys to high Puna grasslands. Another endemic parrot inhabits the dry deciduous forests near Samaipata, the Red-fronted Macaw, and the Yungas Cloudforest and Polylepis woodlands near Cochabamba hold the beautiful Black-hooded Sunbeam, Rufous-faced Antpitta and Giant Conebill. Reaching the Altiplano will allow us to visit colorful villages and markets, and the high altitude lakes such as the Titicaca providing a set of totally new wildlife. |
Country Hightlights
On the warm lowlands of the east, Bolivia holds numerous environments, from Amazon Rainforests in the north, to grasslands and dry forests in the east and arid Chaco scrub in the south. Spectacular pristine rainforests and wet savannas in Noel Kempf Mercado National Park hold Red-throated Piping-Guan, Crimson-bellied Parakeet, Snow-capped Manakin and the rare Black-and-tawny Seedeater. In the grasslands, gallery forests and woodlands near Trinidad we will find Capped Heron, Band-tailed Antbird, Dull-capped Attila, Fawn-breasted Wren, the endemic and endangered Blue-throated Macaw and many more. |