Chile is a country of startling contrasts and extreme beauty the attractions of its territory range from the towering volcanic peaks of the Andes to the ancient forests of the Lake District. Chile has a unique geography, as it is compressed between the Andes and the Pacific Ocean. It is, however, amazingly “long” as it stretches over 4,300 km (2,700 mi) along the south-western coast of South America and at the same time, its width never exceeds 240 km (150 mi). This makes Chile more than eighteen times longer than at its widest point. And it is through this territory where you can find the justly famous Atacama Desert and the peaks of Torres del Paine, which is considered by many to be one of the finest nature travel destinations in all of South America. On the other hand, Chile has laid out with a large number of national parks, easily accessible, and with great opportunities for nature lovers. |
Country Hightlights
The most obvious factor of Chile 's remarkable “shape” is the massive, virtually impassable wall of the Andes, a mountain range that is still rising, and contains more than fifty active volcanic peaks. To the north the land rises and becomes more arid, until one reaches the forbidding Atacama Desert, one of the most inhospitable regions on earth. As a region, this is generally known as the Altiplano. It is situated at about 3800 m high (12.500 ft), and its ever-flat surface is dotted with saline lakes. These highlands are the realm of the magnificent Andean Condor, the exquisite Diademed Sandpiper-Plover, Puna Rhea and Giant Coot. The undisputable stars are the waterfowl, with three species of flamingos taking all the attention. The minute Chilean Woodstar can also be found down stream in the valleys. There are also Vicugnas to be found. Beautiful and gracile, these handsome creatures represent a southamerican counterpart of the camels. |
Country Hightlights
All along its length, Chile is marked by a narrow depression between the mountains and the sea. People have settled here, and today the region is known as the "Valle Central", or Central Valley. This extensive valley is 500 mi long, and covered by vineyards that produce some of the finest wines in the world. Just as interesting are the Nothofagus (South Beech) forests and enchanting lakes. In this area we find most of Here are most Chilean of endemics, some with unusual names such as the Moustached Turca, Crag Chilia, White-throated Tapaculo, Chilean Tinamou and Dusky Tapaculo. |
Country Hightlights
This region is covered by some more amazing forests, dominated by the Araucaria or monkey-puzzles, which grow in volcanic landscapes. These trees represent a truly prehistoric group, and fossil cones and leaf imprints can be found. Here we also find areas of the very lush Valdivian Forests. This region hosts a number of specialities such as Chilean Hawk, Green-backed Firecrown, Black-throated Huet-huet, Chucao Tapaculo, Patagonian Tyrant and Des Murs´ Wiretail. |
Country Hightlights
To the south, the land falls away, and the region between mountains and ocean fades into the baffling archipelagic maze that terminates in the Chilean Patagonia. Here is the famous Torres del Paine National Park, with its very high peaks and its sharp peaks. The changing light here could provide unforgettable moments and photographic opportunities. Some of the key bird here are Darwin´s Rheas, Upland and Ashy-headed Geese, Black-faced Ibises and the spectacular Magellanic Woodpecker. Also of interest are some tame mammals, like guanaco, patagonian hare, or foxes looking for scraps. |
Country Hightlights
The southern end of the continent is at the island of Tierra del Fuego. Just south are a number of islets, including the legendary Cape Horn, with some of the roughest possible waters in the world around it. This cape is passable through a narrow straight that separates the island of Tierra del Fuego from the mainland. The pass was discovered by Magellan, in 1520, and then became to be known as the Straight of Magellan. |
Country Hightlights
Chile 's coastline is, of course, bathed by the Pacific Ocean, and the cold waters of the Humboldt Current. These waters are very rich in nutrients, marine life, and therefore seabirds in large numbers. If you go out to sea here you can find some major seabird concentrations. Examples of species that can be found in this area are Black-browed Albatross, Shy, Royal, and possibly other species of albatross, as well as the Humboldt Penguin, Cape Petrel, Juan Fernandez and Stjneger's Petrels, Wilson's Storm-Petrel, and many others with the aid of some luck on your side. |
For the more adventurous, two notable possessions of Chile are far out into the Pacific. Administered by the national parks, these are the Easter Island and the Juan Fernandez Island. The first hosts one of the most enigmatic cultures on earth with thousands of archaeological sites, being the Moais (huge stone monoliths) one of their greatest expressions. In Juan Fernandez we will find very interesting colonies of seabirds and many endemic species of plants as well as birds, such as Juan Fernandez Firecrown and Juan Fernandez Tit-Tyrant. |